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rt @ruv: RT Announcing the @cloudforum twitter feed on Cloud Computing Interoperability.
Just found, a worthy collection of @Archimedius 's best posts on the subject--and a key concept of cloud computing.
@gevaperry beat me to it, but... Can Sun rise to the cloud computing challenge?
@craigbalding I was thinking "cheezeball" when I wrote it! Does the typo make it more poetic or less? :-)
Links for 2008-12-15 []
@zhenjl Lol...I'm laughing with you
@zhenjl Funny how unpredictable the stages of life are at that age, and how impatient parents are for them to happen. :-)
@zhenjl Ah, sorry, I assumed your youngest was your first.
@zhenjl My first, Owen, was 14 months before he took a step. Just enjoy the relative immobility while it lasts...walking changes everything.
@andrewabernathy Cool. Thanks. Second network is large corporate network, so I wouldn't be surprised if config was an issue.
@andrewabernathy Sorry. Same machine, two entirely different wireless networks...?
Daughter Emery, 11 mo., just took her first steps! Now the trouble begins! :-)
@gevaperry just posted Overcast podcast #5 in which we interview Lew Tucker, CTO of Cloud Computing at Sun
Met @Padmasree today. The experience did not disappoint. Wish I could discuss what we were talking about
http://cloud-computing.allt... updated The Wisdom of Clouds feed today.
@omarsultan This will be experimented with before the week is out. Thanks for the tip!
Sigh. Importing a couple hundred childrens' songs into much for "Shuffle"
RT @gevaperry RT @sirn: CouchDB is now http://couchdb.apache.or g/ congratulations!
Links for 2008-12-14 []
Comments fixed on The Wisdom of Clouds: Sorry for the inconvenience, please take time to add your thoughts now.


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