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Corporate shoutout.Past two mornings at Peets have been most productive of my week.Could be the coffee, or the Rush albums I've had playing.
Oh hot damn, timing is often everything.
@jstultz @ossareh we ended up going to blue bottle at 66 mint st. and having the siphoned coffee. It was delicious and never touched metal.
In search of the perfect cup of coffee with @socmoth
According to it'd take 48 cans of jolt, 248 mountain dews, or 1074 pieces of jolt gum to kill me via caffeine overdose.
No joke, my dog ate my new blackberry bold.
Fixing my helicopter after a bad crash last night
Just saw gas for $1.79... Hell yes Spokane!
SFO on my way to Spokane. First time back in 'Kompton for a year. Psyched.
Getting that "almost-winter" feeling while hacking in a coffeeshop in harvard square. The weather matches the red bricks and brown leaves.
Espresso royale its been a long time...I forgot how tasty your caffeine is and how always-in-overdrive your heater is.
Congrats to my college roommate Alex on getting into navy helicopter flight school. Captain Cutting, you the man!
Mccain - very dignified, props to you. Also, excellent idea on not letting palin speak.
Cnn?? Interviews via hologram...seriously? Seriously?
Cnn says obama for the win. Victory?
Seriously, why aren't there trees and parks on top of every building? They're pretty much the sweetest
Polling station at the entrance to my gym - had to swallow a shoutout for my team.
I want a hamburger and wish the hamburger-fairy would deliver one right this instant!
Broke a wine glass the other day and just found another missing piece. With my foot.


Jack Dorsey elaine Chris Sacca Rob Hayes Kulveer JohnBorthwick Justine Harjeet Leslie Chicoine Pelle marie brattberg Michael Ossareh paul Leah Culver JTV Paul Buchheit alexis ohanian Barack Obama Anthony House Ryan Junee Jeff Huber David Hornik Aaron B. Iba Andrew Weissman pooj preena Daniel Ha Teagan Danny Conway Brian Justin.TV Guide Justine Altay Guvench kiyoya adam6 大岩 よしゆき