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waited in line, caught up with the neighbors, voted Obama, ate pancakes at the Hard Times.
#votereport #55406 #good #wait:90 (got there at 6:50, 10 minutes before polls opened)
When does Twitter RSS come back? And do all these problems mean that I should never, ever think about using rails?
@jslag Heh - @FernandoPR told me I missed the point playing the game with sound off. I played again with sound for the "full" experience:)
@FernandoPR What a terrible game! OTOH, quickest 5 points in kongregate to date.
@dfrankow You should alert me to your non-steeling gigs once in a while! I'd like to listen.
@gumption "strandups" is a fun idea. Wow, though, the art on the web site you link to is over-the-top cutesy! (I kinda like it)
I'm mentally preparing myself for the massive tofu bake.
I enjoyed watching the tour at the Birchwood this morning with a (small) crowd of cycling fans.
Spent the weekend wiring, plumbing, drywalling. Great progress.
Reading about the consequences of erudite vernacular utilized irrespective of necessity.
@FernandoPR Your (tiny) urls seem to be working fine.
I plumbed from 6am to 8am with C and A. Still doing dishes in the yard, though.
Cindy and I celebrated our anniversary last night at Chino Latino (drinks) and Duplex (food).
Summoned to jury duty. Hoping for a case worthy of Hercule Poirot's attentions, but expecting one worthy of Judge Judy's.
Back from another successful bike lunch outing, this time at Midtown Global Market.
I'm sad that I missed the donkey-kong simulation on Evans Hill involving a chicken suit and several empty kegs.
Carleton reunion tonight and tomorrow.
Heading to Kansas City for the weekend to visit Cindy's fam.
The Grouplens outing was fun. We ate dim sum, then played laser tag.


Dean Eckles Joe Slag Sheizaf Rafaeli Joe McCarthy Angie Brandt Andrew Gacek silvrayn Doreen Hartzell RRodakowski Mike Cassano saradrenner Fernando Torre katmando dfrankow