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@chilesl Ha! So whatsisname, Clive, finally worked it out.
The Clangers are just about the nicest thing you can watch with children
The sad news of the day: Oliver Postgate has died.
Weird. Now it's all sunny in Sussex.
Off to London on a horrible, wet, dark day. Daughter just asked why it is still night-time. Answer is "because we live in Britain".
Jeez, pomegranates are a mess to eat. Especially in front of a computer. Laptop screen all splattered.
@niqui Phew - I thought it was about life-changing events and personal tragedies. Glad it's *just* about work :-)
@niqui Don't mean to probe, but your twitter ID should be 'Cryptic'. Following you has been a rollercoaster of unknown emotions tonight
OK, I eat my words. Been rather anti-iPhone for a year, but had an iPod Touch for a couple of days now. I'm hooked.
@dad58 I have no idea who you are and how you received my tweet. But after complaint my engineer visit has already been changed to Monday!
@JimCallender Craig Barrett, Intel, on his 11th recession: "You can't save your way out of a recession. You can only innovate out of one."
Retweeting @grouchal: Retweeting @elektomi: is wondering if this is the best job satisfaction ever:
Lead time on a new business phone line from BT is 3 weeks?? They can't exactly claim the Xmas rush, can they?
it actually explains it quite clearly in the letter from HMRC (which every VAT-registered business received last week)
@niqui your accountant maybe? ;-)
@niqui as far as I know if it's services you supplied before Dec 1, you should still charge 17.5%
Invited to O2 developer thingy. Like a HackDay. Best app written on the day wins 2 VIP tickets to see... COLDPLAY! That'll get us excited
@chilesl Really? I thought they were great! Done the hand-baking thing, but want the smell of warm, fresh bread in the morning.
@chilesl I need a breadmaker recommendation. And since you seem to be an expert
@chilesl Happy Birthday! for yesterday


Jim Callender Lawrence Niqui Dannno Hendrik Mans Jake Matt Locke Rosie Sherry Steve Purkiss Sam Michel Chinwag ChinwagLive Mark A.M. Kramer Al Briggs Volker Hirsch Matt Jukes Graham Brown-Martin Guardian Tech hhl alokmatta spugamola shani lee projectbrighton cnySrettiwT Jonathan Denison Ralf Fletcher richard willis Matt Pearson 4ip Gareth Langley Amplified09 FlashBrighton geminiupstairs