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Coding up a brand-new rewrite of WP-SmugMug. It's going to have lots of coding goodness for WordPress and SmugMug users.
Nature... you can rain now. I just finished cleaning the gutters in the house.
Never knew how bad Facebook's Photos compression algorithms were. Uploaded photos retain none of the crispness and color of the originals.
SmugMug RSS feeds down :( The great thing about SmugMug, however, is their speedy technical support. They should be back up in no time.
New firmware seems to have done its trick. Let's hope no more freezing issues occur with the 1.5TB drives and SD1A firmware.
Upgraded all of my WordPress-powered sites to 2.7 goodness.
First Photos backup went fine with no freezes. Moving onto PhotosTwo and PhotosThree.
Firmware has been updated, now attempting to run SuperDuper on the drive that was freezing during copy before. Crossing fingers!
Updating the firmware on my Seagate 1.5TB drives from SD17 to SD1A. Let's hope this resolves the freeze disk problem.
On call with Seagate Tech Support to get the firmware update for my 1.5TB drives.
Uh oh. SuperDuper is "stuck" while backing up Photos to one of my 1.5TB drives. Will I need to update the firmware on the 1.5TB drives now?
Last three film festival or grant submissions sent off at Stanford Post Office. Off to the next task of reaching picture lock!
Last stop coming up: Stanford
Arriving at CAAM at 9th and Howard.
Arrived at the Presidio.
Heading up to San Francisco and Stanford to submit Autumn Gem to various film festivals!
VideoThree hard drive has been SuperDuper backed up and is ready to be rotated with VideoTwo which is stored offsite.
Almost done with our five film festival submission packets.
White balance and color grading post from Autumn Gem documentary -
Burning DVDs of our documentary Autumn Gem to submit to film festivals.


Brian Oberkirch Jose Arocha Erika Hall President Monteiro Blake Burris Edwin Ong Grant Hutchinson Alex King             whurley Seb Payne Raven Zachary Eric Cheng devotion Paul Guyot Adam Nash William Manning Eric enjelani David Golden Jauder Ho terry chay All Things D Walt Mossberg Kara Swisher Cliff Cheney Scott Harrington iPhoneDevCamp Rod Saito Nick Gernert yungman Nicolas Zinovieff macaby Lun Esex MamaMikers JohnPaczkowski adamtow