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@steyblind That's an awful list. But, Oprah? Nah.
Instant disappointment: Google search yields no results for "incredibly rich guy who lives in Miami and has millions to burn"
Who could possibly afford to buy the Miami Herald? I'm thinking, incredibly rich guy who lives in Miami and has millions to burn.
Obviously, I'm thinking about Scripps' attempt to sell the Rocky, McClatchy putting Miami up for sale, and Tribune talking bankruptcy.
@blawtonnaa I think Boston can support plenty of papers in one form or another, I don't think Seattle can.
@base10 I'd like to see any paper that stops its press go online-only.
@alansmodic Neither is owned by big corporate conglomerate with a ton of debt, so they're fine.
@pchianca Heh. Boston, eh? I think NY, Boston will always be big enough in a small enough area to support a few big papers.
@base10 I'd expect to see a paper close in Seattle and Denver; St. Pete is non-profit, so it stays. Hearst will try to save the Chronicle.
My question, as always, is will the Rocky continue online? Will the paper that loses the three-way in So. Fla. become something new?
Predictably, the down-side papers in JOAs will close, a la Albuquerque, Cincinnati, and soon, Denver. Non-monopoly market papers next.
@woobie No, no. Two papers in Detroit, Chicago, many in NY, a few in LA, two in Philly, 3 in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach...
I have a sudden urge to make a map of cities that still have more than one newspaper in a metro area. That's where you'll see papers close.
(Checks Dolphins schedule...) Soooo Miami will be AFC East champs a year after going 1-15? Believe...
@laauuren Saw that at Eastview this afternoon. #bitchillyforfrozenyogurt
Of course is it 40 degrees cooler here tonight.
BTW, we're pretty sure we paid 1/3 as much for double the tree we bought in Santa Cruz last year. #gottaloverochacha
Decorating the tree, Bing on the stereo.
@palewire That's going to lead to some interesting discussion.


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