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"Don't like his baggy jeans but I'm gonna like what's underneath them"
Greatest Monday Ever: Found out my boss extended her vacation another 2wks! yay slacking!
Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole
auuugh sidekick's dying and I have no idea where my charger is and tmobile no longer makes one for my model of sidekick :(
Ahh. Slept in, enjoying coffee now after homemade pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon *lounge*
@robey Rockband is the new karaoke primer
Homemade Mac-N-Cheese :9
o/` I've been trying all the time, to find, the song that would make you mine. All I've ever found my love, are cliches that don't rhyme o/`
I'm at work, some schmuch left their dog locked in their car in the parking lot. Also featured a "Yes On 8" bumper sticker
oh huh. I should be at work by now
@onetootwee Goto bed! 1:45 am is no time to discuss pasta!
Nobody told you to smoke that thing. You made the decision. Live with your decision. Ain't like I put a gun to your head.
@JasonBentley I didn't know you liked to get wet!
mmmm burritos @ pancho villa in the mission
@robey you tweet a lot; is that a job requirement?


jmuzz Doron Bay Area Earthquakes Ben Gertzfield Trip Adler Jason Bentley Vincent Lopez Bramble Shep Malamute Rus H jjwolverine robey Gary Villalobos Jerry G itsawuff Adam_Buchen wolftrouble aslan_ia Parg0n Gavin Douglas PKMousie bobbehhh Inuwolf Rob Lemley xanie A Fox Called Spec Gearl Brace adkisson Gregg Baker StripClubEd William S. Hamilton