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Ungh, NPR before 8am is really fluffy and irrelevant. Where is my morning body count?
@dcahill If you write out some specs and screenshots I'll help you design it. Can't sign up for coding tho. Got a job already :)
Showed up in ripped jeans to a conference call that turned out to be a face-to-face meeting with a CEO. Oops.
I am a walking, talking life lesson about why you sometimes need to just agree and move on because it's not worth arguing about.
@manzoid: you are shipping vinegar, not wine. The ups store will happily ship your vinegar, that's what I do.
Amelia's FTW! My new default breakfast destination.
I've gotten serious RSI from playing Sudoku on my iPhone.
@manzoid I love you man, but you're never babysitting my kids. (or was that the plan all along...?)
Today is a two horchata day. That is a good day.
"knock, knock." "who's there?" ***very long pause*** "Java."
Just passed a very brave man driving his Tesla in the rain on 101. Hooray for spin/crash/zap triple threat!
The new xbox360 avatars suck. I want to be an 80 foot tall battle mech, not a gay biker elf.
It's finally sinking in for me that I voted for a president with a stupid name. Obamabamamamamabama. Ridiculous.
God the climber boys at the gym are sweet, and so cute! Why am I so fucking shy?!?
Wearing featureless gray clothes so my team won't notice that I haven't been to my house in days
Flying the Google Queer colors at the No on 8 rally in San Jose. Vote No on 8! Oh wait. :P
This girl sitting across from me in the airport is speaking exactly as though she were reading a bad high school essay on ethics.
It's a good bet that you have no fashion sense if you believe in 'reversible' clothing
Got laser'd for the first time with my valentine... It definitely wouldnt have saved me. Gotta behave i guess.