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@standupkid No, but I will be liveblogging my own evisceration! Link to my blog! AAAIIIIEEE! AH, OOH, UH, MAYBE NOT
Based on the noises coming from my stomach, I'd say the alien is about ready to hatch. So, you might want to stand back.
@jsnell It's DUNGEON MASTER Moltz to you, sir.
I simply cannot believe I haven't been nominated for a ShortyAward in "Is Doing It Wrong".
Not that it isn't already exciting, but I wish the UPS tracking page said "DROBO IS COMING!" on it somewhere.
Jesus, you just *know* the ESPN announcer loves saying "But here come the Suns..."
The WA State Lottery's current ads featuring people taking flightless birds hang gliding is probably more appropriate than they intended.
Trying really hard not to get drawn into this @BodyofBreen / @HairofBreen / @ShawnKing argument. But old habits die hard.
Hey, guys! It turns out you don't have to actually *have* gay sex to get the day off, you just have to Google it at work! Or so I hear.
@GlennF Ah, crap. Alex Cohen is the wife of a friend. Which is how I ended up on DTD talking about sexbots during Macworld.
@standupkid Joke will be on you if you figure it out later and miss taking the day off today.
I'm not gay, but I am take-the-day-off-curious.
If someone complains about people calling in gay make sure to tell them that every day is straight day.
@standupkid Oh, yeah, that'd be great because... HEY!
I'd call in gay but who's gonna believe me in *this* outfit?
@dmoren And when your "tailor" tries to talk to you about that little girl that's always telling you to burn things? Dude, leave it alone!
I hate when I get a new pair of pants and the pockets are sewn shut. I just spilled 8 Skittles, 5 Wacky Packs and a Boba Fett on the floor.
"Call in gay". Pff. C'mon, people. How would you even *do* that?! Ha-ha.
So, clearly I've uncovered some secret female mind game, here. I'm sure I'll be dead by morning. Or ravished. Gosh, I hope it's ravished.


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