Karoli’s Favorites

Aron Michalski
aronski Home. Wow. Whirlwind experience leaves me slightly at a loss and quite emotional.
Len Edgerly
LenEdgerly #BMM120708 - Good idea to transcribe your podcast, for Google juice. Amazon Mechanical Turk a way to do it cheap.
Cliff Gerrish
cgerrish Facebook connect is an extension of a social graph; Friend connect is an extension of a technical stack.
Cheryl Harrison
CherylHarrison When you realize the only place you are truly heard and respected is in 140 characters or less, you really need to make new friends. :(
Donna M
ElementsOfJazz Pianist Nate Harasim & Featured Guest Saxophonist Darren Rahn to Perform for U.S. Presidential Inaugural Gala:
Lilly Evans
Alheri Honda F1 Team is for sale and if not sold by Jan.2009 it will close! And they were spending 500Mill. per year to have a team in F1.
CarriBella Stunned & amazed at quantity of social media tools for musicians. Need to get a lot more jazz cats & fans on board to achieve critical mass.
Jim Turner
Genuine Dear Wells Fargo, when I told you I couldnt pay the mortgage today, calling me 12 more times today does not make my bank account any bigger.
Richard Henry
richardhenry This is so heartwarming. "Five-figure bonuses stun Chicago plant workers."
Donna Schwartz Mills
socalmom @sweatpantsmom five $20 sbux cards for $80 at Costco. In case you didn't know.
joegerstandt i have officially changed my title to Freedom Fighter
Matthew Broyles
thematthewshow Reading W's exit interview is not good for my blood pressure:
Mike Elgan
mike_elgan Just posted: Black Friday? Cyber Monday? Here comes 'Mobile Tuesday'
Jay Rosen
jayrosen_nyu Maureen Dowd on Tina Fey in Vanity Fair. That's enough to tell you if you wanna read it.
Amy Gahran
agahran Is nobody tweeting about the violence in Jos, Nigeria? Why would #mumbai get so much attention, but Jos doesn't even get a hashtag?
mamikaze another thank you to @Starbucks for the Espresso Truffle. Did you know 50ยข per drink served today is going to AIDS research?
rustee Why Change Is So Hard ?
Photowalk List
photowalklist RT @mchesner: Took a photo walk this evening after dinner. Found this magical scene in downtown Bath, NY.
Kathy Sierra
KathySierra @om I finally joined Twitter while in terrifying fire evac, desperate 4 info. Much as I (then) dissed Twitter, it was my best resource.
Scott B. Hoffman
TheEntertainer Most of have two lives, the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance. (The War of Art)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Wayne Sutton Hunter Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Derek Gathright J. Christopher Doss (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Ben G Joe Crawford Bill Palmer Elisa Camahort Glennia Jim Long Antonio Altamirano Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman Trench Hussein Coat Robert Scoble Ryan jeneane sessum Douglas Karr Michael Markman Sam Harrelson Michael Lehman sizemore Jason Carlin frank
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