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So hot tonight at the pool
I love it when a simple picture I take comes out really nicely
I'm amazed at just how few single people I know these days.
Forgot that wine can't be shipped to Massachusetts so I can't take part in @GaryVee's free shipping right now. Bummer.
@juliedevoll oh I've loved my kindle since I got it. Makes shopping so much easier and anywhere I am. Hope you are well.
Take the 6 minutes and go and list to - @DYKC and his MOM telling stories on his podcast. Ma Dukes rawks!
@AmberCadabra Oh me too. Music and books are always an impulse for me. Always will be.
I love my Kindle, but it is dangerous. @LDPodcast just told me about a new book and so I clicked and bought it immediately. Impulse. Oh Yeah
@TDefren I put it on yesterday and I'm curious to see where it goes because it does have potential
New blog post: I'm a Happy Muggle
@wizard1974uk Doing well. Hope you are doing good today.
@missleah26 Awesome that you too are an alum. There are a few of us here on Twitter
@stevejay Ha! Thanks for the morning laugh. I had no idea about
Headed to a Bentley Alumni event.
This sure has been an interesting week. Don't you have fun juggling chainsaws?
New blog post: Sixth Photo Meme - Wine Tasting Bar at Stonington Vinyard
Just got my first printed holiday card. Reminds me I need to get around to doing mine at some point
The latest issue of FRAY just arrived. One of these days I'm going to write something and send it in.
Social Media Triage launched by @Evo_Terra -
I just bought the Bush Digital Box Set and I'm ok with that. Cranking it is bringing back memories of Bentley and the C.C. & The Man Show


Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Noah Derrick Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Paul Terry Walhus Adam Brault Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Dave Morin Erik Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr.
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