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@combustingboy I got some Heelys last year, took a few days.
Code porn: #sidebar>ul:first-child>li:first-child {yay:much;}
@notasausage Same here. I plan on watching the topic/news with an itchy Picasa finger.
Re. Flickr: "Despite its reputation (snip) the site was among the assets Yahoo was prepared to sell to Microsoft." via
I lost three followers today and fully appreciate the very small reduction in pressure to write good tweets. Thanks (if you ever see this)!
Is it pathetic that our office has CONCRETE floors and I'm wearing HEADPHONES and I can still hear kids running around downstairs?
@jyurek Change the "S" to a "U" and that tweet is epicsalts.
To all my northerly peeps, if you need a warm shower or bed (we have a spare room) and can drive a bit south, our door is open.
Oh wow, very helpful Lorem Ipsum resource (via @tilton)
@fredleblanc Um, no. <christmas_list>Two Rovios</christmas_list> ... and let me send you my mailing address
The contents of my Google search bar (in the browser) are usually embarrassing.
@briandigital imagine how recursive that could become.
<abbr title="abbreviation">abbr</abbr>
The link said: "Please unsubscribe me from future emails" and it went to: "http://unsubscribelink/" Awesome, marked as spam.
Totally eating my lunch two hours early.
I think "ha ha ha" is more accurate than "hahaha." Just sayin'.
@fredleblanc Can you be specific with your use of "we?" I'm not in the mood to pack up my gear if I don't have to... kthnx.
is wondering if he should have come to the office and how his cat is handling all of this.
WCAG is finally a W3C recommendation, nice; it only took eight years:


Dan Cederholm Patrick Haney AxsDeny James Mitchell Jeff L Nathan Smith Brian Christiansen John Resig Joshua Porter Adam Darowski John Eckman Johannes Dave Tufts Christian Madden Angelo Simeoni Jenny Bergman Scott Fitchet Jason Hawkins Mark J. Reeves Jon Yurek Foamee Tom Clancy Tim Merrill Jason Robb Moojoo Ben Cardy Larry Underhill Dave Simon Chad Pytel superfluousB Ed Stafford ioucoffee Will Bond bcopes