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Clinging 2 God, Guns, and Unborn Babies... {Alabanza, Pop Cuyar...}
Alabanza, abuelo Cuyar... We'll miss u! :-*]
I nEEd a miRaclE! :o(
it's timE 2 trUst my InstiNcts, clOse my EyeS anD leAp... I thiNk i'LL try deFyinG grAvitY!
Santa cAme A liTTle eaRlY 2 chEEr me uP... I bEEn buMMed... ThX saNta BaBy! *{RenAƩ~NaƩ}*
Palin 2012!!
I'll keep my freedom, my baby, my guns, and my MONEY, YOU CAN KEEP THE "CHANGE"!!
On *Paciencia y Fe!*
I'll keep my freedom, my baby, my guns, and my MONEY, YOU CAN KEEP THE CHANGE!!
I think im gonna be sick... *Paciencia y Fe!*
Put on your coat, get out and vote! Make history today! Election day, Election day! Hey, baby! Hey! Happy voting ya'l ......
Wicked was wicked!! *Paciencia y Fe!*
OmG! GoIng 2 sEE "WiCked" 2mOro.... SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!
On *Paciencia y Fe!*
heAded 2 p-ColA 4 thE wKnd! yayay! TimE 4 suM R&R!!!
TGiF! *{BroadWay*~*Bound}*
"A Choruse Line" was AMAZING! It waS liKe, thE beSt sHow EVER!!!
i'm gOinG 2 sEE "A Chorus LIne" 2nite! "TheRe's onlY ONE sinGulaR seNsaTiOn everY liTTle stEp shE taKes...." YAY!!!
At lame work! This is sooooo boring! At least I get to listen to show tunes....


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