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Time to go home :)
@fusedreality Wow, someone sure loves Apple on your site!
Welcome to Twitter @taggames :)
iPhone still syncing, waaay too many apps! Pruning the list with an iron fist.
Retweet @siracusa Cute iPod ad: Awesome :)
iPhone unboxed Had to do it! ;)
Just picked up my iPhone :)
@fusedreality No probs :) Have you messed around with CFCs or Flash Remoting in Cold Fusion? Haven't worked with CF for a while.
Trying hard to finish a 2nd stage proposal, finding it difficult to pare down the idea as required.
@shortyawards I nominate @stephenfry for a Shorty Award in #tech because... the man knows his smartphones.
@shortyawards I nominate @chockenberry for a Shorty Award in #chocklock because... THE CHOCKS NOT LOCKED TILL THE HOCK SHOCK ROCKS.
Initiated the redesign of my blog at last! time to go home!
Just been checking out LittleSnapper http://www.realmacsoftware.... Awesome tool, esp Flickr integration
@Alyn Yep, looking forward to getting it!
@fusedreality I could get the white one to indicate I have the 16Gb one, especially if I *really* want to get mugged for my phone :)
@jaxmac I've had an iPod Touch for the last year, my contract is up with Orange so an iPhone is the next logical step :)
Just started the process of getting an iPhone, going to get the 16Gb :)
Brooklyn Banks: Just a bit of skate history
@jbaldwin Any skateboarders in your classes? Get bonus points by pointing them to the Brooklyn banks, under Brooklyn bridge Manhattan side


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