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30 Rock Good Deed for the Day: slathering Al Roker's pate with bear fat to ward off the morning chill.
Do not play chicken with iPhone battery. iPhone battery has no fear.
"I will start with simple concepts, such as that DNA can catalyze cleavage of oligonucleotide substrates..." I love Microsoft Researchers.
On CNN, Wolf Blitzer interviewing experts via hologram. On MSNBC, Olbermann vaporizing Pat Buchanan with the Large Hadron Collider.
One day I'd like to get thrown in the pokey so I can tell people that I've been in the pokey. Or I might just say pokey a lot. And pokey.
My wife and I share the same birthday. Every year, her present to me is that I get to forget to get her something for her birthday.
I am returned. I'd love to explain where I've been the last month, but the last thing I remember is replying to an email about cheap V1AG5A
Just in case a black hole consumes the earth tomorrow, I've put my wife and daughter to bed with a gentle kiss and now solemly cook bacon.
Long day at work, black bear running up the driveway, Mccain keynote. Lizard brain says lock the door and drink more Guinness.
Got a meeting w/ 1 of the interns- better involve him making coffee and giving me a foot massage or he'll never work in this industry again.
New cat seems content to stay indoors, which means we may have to come up with a more creative name for her than 'cat 4'.
Wife brought another rescue cat home today. As she was pulling up, a cougar in the bushes started humming the opening theme to Good Eats.
Trying to work "that's beyond a man of my station" into conversation but as a man who regularly handles another human's shit, I got nothin'.
@phillygirl is the only person I've never met who I would happily have babysit my 2-year-old daughter.
Finally, a bar soap we can all agree on. For her: artisanal, humanely-made and $8/ea. For me: it looks and smells just like Irish Spring.
I managed to wear mismatched shoes to work today. I'm just gonna go with it and round out the look by pissing my pants.
Yo Kai Sung, I hope you're still on twitter 'cause you haven't answered your cell all day. We still on for that nuke you promised me? D me.
The best thing about hypermiling Prius drivers: you don't have to lead them as much.
There is no way to say it's time to shave the Pomeranian without implying air quotes. Go ahead. Try. I'll wait.


Evan Williams Jim Ray Rex Sorgatz adm Ben Tesch Elizabeth Chuck paige ckwinny Joshua Green Allen Craig Saila Kim Carney hotdogsladies Tiffehr Gareth Jones Amy Phetamine J. Adam Moore Scott Simpson Simon Goetz Adam Lisagor John Moltz Meowrey phillygirl Warren Ellis lisa wilkins Rachel SeoulBrother Stokes Young alli behr Weslie Moore Jeff Maurone Ainsley Drew katcan JohnCleese Pam Bertrand superfantastic