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Can nearly breathe normally today. Spent yesterday on the couch drinking tea w/honey & lemon and beating Gears of War 2.
Struggling to breathe. A deep breath only takes in a normal amount of air. Not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight.
@gahlord The 140 club sounds an awful lot like @tweet140 which is on hiatus due to API changes. Going for 100% twooshiness though?
Just deleted all emails from my archives. I only tested it, but if it's gone for good soon, no point in saving their emails.
@twid The topicdesk docs shouldn't be PDFs... introduces line breaks and such that caused me errors. Did get it eventually.
Merging some iTunes libraries onto the LaCie D2 I use for my Xbox 360 until I determine where I really want to store my music.
@splorp UNNA outage appears to have been a firewall configuration change, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how it occurred at 6:00 am.
@twid The only problems I've occasionally had have been with TrueType support. I've been using the method, cleaned up.
Just finished watching the Maxed Out documentary. I'm not alone and my debt is only moderate.
Starting to really not care about a lot of things and wanting to focus on a core set of projects, but I really have no idea how to do that.
Watching part of Maxed Out (the consumer credit documentary) before heading in to work.
Signed up for a Netflix account last night in the hopes to keep rental & DVD purchase costs down. The free streaming to Xbox 360 is a plus.
Definitely went back to the "Original" Gmail theme, the others all suck (esp. the new "Default").
Just undid half of the CSS tweaks I've made today due to design decisions. It's for the best, trust me.
Enough New Xbox Experience commentary from me, I've gotta head into work shortly.
Connect360's functionality didn't break either. Nice! Of course, Xbox LIVE is now screwed 'cause everyone is online at once.
New Xbox 360 LIVE avatar created. That was actually kinda fun. Overall the update is very well polished and much more responsive.
Just installed the New Xbox Experience. Exploring.
@hellosmalldog now has an official company profile on @linkedin, thanks to @edwardshepard:
@jacksonlatka Good find. Heard any other concrete news re:AT&T in VT recently?


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