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Dont text this number ne more new number <Love live life>
Stop sending me text
cats do not like elephant hats their heads.
listening to country blasting from a DeWalt, watching a whole hog smoke, and drinking keg beer in Richmond VA
@wakeupcall I still can't make sense of the groundhogs.
At a loss for words. His life just passed in front of me.
Damn you Spank Rock. Wishbone? Really?!?? Did you really have to ruin "Bump" for me like that?
Ran 3.5 PATHETIC miles in humid heat yesterday. Ran 5.5 EASY miles earlier today in the dry cool morning air. Now, (lots of) coffee.
Yep. No more running outdoors in the afternoon till November.
Curious about how I'm spending my time on the computer; installing Rescue Time to find out.
soldiered through the subtle Jack Links background and the 15 second Navy ad for the return of Shucks
On my way to lunch with CHI*Atl folks
Ran 4 mi, cycled 20 mi, GTA4ed 7hr
No, I don't know that song "Time In A Bottle."
Atlanta's men in blue panhandling at Freedom Parkway
changed 9:30 reservation for two at Rathbun's to four a bit later
Kite procured. Next up, picnic groceries. Theme for lunch: southern.
just forgot sarah marshall