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reading NZ Institute's latest report "The end of the golden weather" - no ack. of peak oil or climate change yet:
seeing Dec economic review is out - inflation at 5.1%, ouch:
noting in last parliament Māori Party voted against 90-day probation:
if the new government is going to ram through legislation under urgency - without public submissions - wondering what point of @twfynz is?
@ClaireDel my forecast: Australia dries up, Aussie migration/invasion of NZ; trade seizes up; NZ isolated but self-sufficient in essentials
wondering if there are minimum local content requirements for state-owned media? that'll be considered a "trade barrier" in the US FTA talks
showing you portraits of the new NZ MPs that start work on Monday:
reading Canada's governor general has agreed to PM's request to suspend their parliament:
@gnat thanks for the heads up about the US FTA, what specific copyright and patent issues should we be raising with MFAT?
posting pretty pie-chart of overseas party votes:
the Overseas Party Vote split: National 51.0%, Labour 27.1%, Green 13.8%, ACT 3.0%, Māori Party 1.3%, United Future 0.8%, Progressive 0.4%
scraping overseas votes (scraper is 16 lines of ruby)
figuring out the lines of ruby required to pull out the Overseas Votes from the electorate results pages
looks like to get overseas party vote percentages, will have to sum each electorate's Overseas Special Votes line:
watching encroaching police state "we do this all the time, every single day we pull people over":
having met a marketing person in pub tonight - who is interested in getting involved in twfynz - hoping we have an interesting 3 years ahead
seeing I've scraped about NZ$1.3 billion worth of awarded contracts from GETS site - will show by ministry and by awarded supplier soonish
discovering at least the Contract Value Range on the GETS contract notices is standardized
correcting purchaser organisation names from nz govt awarded contract notices - it seems they have a hard-time spelling Ministry correctly
@ClaireDel grabbing Post-Award Contract Notices - lots of fun to be had with them!


Emily Davidow Ben G Michael Koziarski Cleo mikeforbes Kris Lane Sheila Robin Marshall Silona Keri Henare Alan Macdougall Ben Nolan Rebecca Cox James McCarthy Micah Sifry Brenda Wallace jo eaton Ian Ketcheson Tom Steinberg Nicola Barker Suzie Vesper Chris Sparshott james9 Suzanne Kendrick Tim Norton spanishmanners Geoff Wedgwood Chris West Rob Ilai Kai Koenig Diane Sieger natalie ferguson Walter Rumsby Vye Perrone Sandy Mamoli
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