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At a hockey game. Watching the Dallas Stars play the Detroit RedWangs
Qotd: (warren) no, she can buy her own tickets. Snap fingers. Chicken head wobble. Uh-huh
Qotd: (bobby) God! Is this just 'kill me' day? F***!
@lauraehall sounds like you watched The Watchmen in your dreams last night.
@elliotjo sounds like you watched The Watchmen in your dreams last night.
hmm, 14 tabs open to @skitch screenshots....apparently I use @skitch alot
never accepting a starbucks barista's recommendation again. I *LIKE* the taste of espresso, but she recommended a sweet mocha drink. boo!
very cool song sampled from 'Alice in Wonderland'
I'm hurting this morning die whatever reason
Dear GMail, how about not artificially wrapping lines of my email at 68chars? KTHXBAI
I just heard a story end with '...and then I got my d*** stung by a jellyfish'..yes the story was epic
whoa, when did @skitch get "hold shift for countdown". that's awesome!
QOTD: (bobby) Whoa, today's the birthday of the mouse. we. should. have. been. closed.
anyone find it ironic that this story about a fat dog freezing to a sidewalk comes with an 'enlarge' link?
that is singularly the most correct way possible to solve that problem. Brilliant in every way, shape, and form
Fran Drescher, Nanny, wants Clinton's Senate Seat. In breaking the news, CNN takes a kinda-mean potshot at her
@skitch upper-right corner when your looking at the prefs
@elysa how did you find out which categories you're in? I'm curious which I'm in.
Australian for 'really hungrey': I could eat the crotch off a low-flying duck.
please note: christmas has been cancelled this's why:


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