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Going out this morning for Holiday surprises. Don't tell anyone... Katie that means you too. Also, I love the Beat (the English Beat).
How do I tell Katie that I want to go shopping without her tomorrow morning? "I have a dentist appointment... I'll be gone 3 hours."
@EBlakeJackson are you qualified for that type of technical task? Should you call IT?
Blagojevich sounds like an obscene euphemism for something... A new phrase will be coined in his future prison, "getting Blagojeviched".
My neighbor has a habit of playing obnoxious guitar at all hours. The recorder he was wailing on tonight was a holiday bonus. Wailing.
@EBlakeJackson @tradegy Will Liz hid behind her insults, I used sex and awesomeness
Oh my god. That was the funniest episode of 30 Rock this season.
My internal question just got answered: do Denver buses have anti-lock brakes? Occasionally they do.
@Alananana nice. Maybe newbie will keep his Spoonful of knowledge to himself until he is trained properly. :)
@Alananana Was it Brandon? Titus? I believe it. You know what band you might like? Michael Jackson. Have you heard of them?
One of the papers in our giant company's umbrella is bankrupt.
My bus rotated into traffic as it slid a bus-length past a stop this morning. I like snow. collective sigh of relief upon stopping. :)
Worst day of my life. I went to Jimmy John's and ordered a #8. Dude made a #14. For non-JJ's people: suffice to say that I was wronged.
I'm getting less done today than I thought I was going to, but the afternoon looks promising. It was 70F yesterday. It's currently 26F.
Tuesday's back to normal after a day of cat-demon possession. I'm going to have a cool thing for anyone who's interested to click on later.
So apparently my cat has gone "The Exorcist" at the vet and had to be sedated 3 separate times today, besides having to be caught in a net.
Thanks for recommending this NPR, you're helping me get through my silly Monday-I don't have real problems-blues:
I broke down and am now listening to the Neil Young feature on I think it's awesome. You will too, if you like Neil Young, that is.
In keeping with standard American holiday weekend traditions, we will be watching one of the spielberg/lucas 70's collaborative trilogies.


Maggie Mason Scott Beale Katie Koivisto Alana Barack Obama MacRumorsLive Paul Wilkes NPR News Jon Armstrong Hank Green Frank Escamilla Matthew All Songs Considered zombie11 Christiane Conklin Nick Matthews terrycraghead austin jones brblanche JWest09 Sean Blake Jackson whitneyparker h3ff Amanda Hoddy sommerterry Whitney Jackson tradegy