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ps. I now officially hate Kiwifruit!
Daddy tricked me! I thought he was giving me treats but it was kiwi fruit! Ugh! Well I showed them.. spat & foamed it all out over my home!
Mummy started crying at vets. Is it because I look ugly with bald patch on my neck?
Vet stuck a thermometer up my bum. That wasn't very nice of vet! Vet also stuck 3 needles into me. AND shaved off fur round my neck.
Mummy took me to the vet last night because I pooed on her bed. But its not my fault. I don't feel very well. Vet said I had a high fever.
*meow* *purrrrr*
Oooh... F1 is on tv. Wow those cars move so fast! But where do they all go? They always disappear off the side.. how mysterious. *meow*
I wonder if I can get away with doin a stray poo sumwhere.. But they sent their house guest stormbtc 2 checkup on me! Hm better not risk it.
Mum and dad have left me at home all on my lonesome. *mew* At least they remembered to feed me.
Someone call PETA! Cruelty to animals! Mummy and daddy were teasing me with proscuitto... it smells so good!! I wantssssss!!!! *meeeeeeoww*
Mummy finally gave in & gave me her 2nd pair of slippers to play with. Yay! She just brought home 3 new pairs. Hm thats another 3 to conquer
Ooh I'm going on an excursion! Mummy and daddy are taking me to the beauty parlour to get my nails trimmed and have a wash & grooming. Meow!
Daddy is trying to make me kill a spider. But I just wanna play with it.... oh wait.. oops.. its dead. My bad!
Today I did a poo in the toilet! Mummy and daddy were very proud of me. They even gave me special treats!
*manages to run sideways into the door post and then make a flying leap at mummy while she was on the toilet*
@kazzart You mean "BIG" welcome don't you? N00b.
Today I jumped in the shower with daddy. I tried to tell him he was standing in my pooing area but he wouldn't listen! And my fur got wet!
Hello? *meow* Mummy & Daddy locked me in the bathroom coz they want me to poo on this tiny plastic thing. But I'd rather poo on the carpet!
Had fun killing wandie.. I PWN wandie! Then got chucked out in the hallway for biting mummys ankle. *sulks*


Kazzart Joanna kwai chi