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Off to Retail Week xmas lunch. This can't be good for my liver.
@ASOS_Ilana yup, it was remarkably good fun.
@ASOS_Ilana Not just your office is in that condition. It's pretty quiet downstairs, too. Errrrrgh.
Emap Christmas party time... This should be interesting.
@newscred Actually, these Google rows do make some sense. Has to do with differing views on copyright in US and continental legal systems.
@newscred It still makes no sense to me. Here's one of them:
I can't believe this 'Google News is evil' meme rumbles on. Remember writing about it in 2006.
@johncthompson yes, a bit. (But it's not what you think!)
@noodlepie No, but my parallel Wordpress setup is coming along nicely for exactly the same reason.
@paulcarvill interesting. I'll try that. Thanks.
Attempt to embed my new favourite widget in @retailweek's CMS = Fail. Not good. Time to find the workaround.
Free media law lesson via Reuters picture caption: French law requires cops' faces to be masked for pics published inside France.
Off Northwick Park batting cage with the London Metros. It will be cold. The things I do for my obscure sport.
Enjoying the rediculous comment thread on an equally rediculous Techcrunch post:
Via @bengoldacre's column, a hilarious collection of nonsense "formula" stories. #journofail
Woolies has 23K Facebook supporters. Slow news day at the Telegraph?
Oh dear, my editor seems to be trying to start some sort of civil war in Greater London House
@paulmcnally Sorry, I just broke a cardinal rule and fed your troll.


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