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holy crap we're ready to leave on time. It's a god damned christmas miracle.
@AniKing you fail at arts btw.
awake. making artichoke dip. procrastinating with haste. headed to flint in an hour or so for paternal family axe-mess.
today I shall seduce you with mediocrity.
thinking about fine line between showing people how much you don't give a fuck and being just plain gross.
wondering why my coffee tastes like frosted flakes.
FRICK. forgot today was patch day.
so far the new ohGr album sucks. wtf.
listening to A Shoggoth on the Roof and awaiting the arrival of the killerjetskis for dinner tonight.
I really want french toast right now for some reason
@fynflood that didn't take too long. glad you arrived safe.
all alone. thinking about getting some food and watching a movie.
@s0ma the times. pay attention!
the times. they are changing.
wish I was still dancing. holiday party was (imho) far better than last year.
starting to think I might be insatiable, in all respects. Do they make medication for that?
@t0astbandit I refuse to believe there is such a thing.
my wrist hurts real bad today for some reason. I am also cranky.


Scott Beale l.m. orchard Jason Allen travis stoliker Joe Doss Matthew Hill Dooce Travis Anderson kitschicat Jess Frank Escamilla Joy Scharmen Meagan Bryant Macross Shelby DeNike fynflood Jake Harris benniferus velvettnrbt Nick Campbell Rebecca Mike Neir christina guida jamays AniKing schnogg Jen_DrakNet David Smalley Erin Greg Cerveny liquidwebchris Michele airynd LiquidWeb Severin jennifer