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BTW if you haz a Japanese car of any kind, hybrid too, the best mechanics I've ever known r at Art's Automotive in Berkeley. They are GREAT!
Know what I like? When people who said they'd buy art at the Holidays call me up to buy art! I like that. Selling prints to Eric from Art's!
Reading that Obama has a wee nicotine problem. Let the man smoke, I say! I LOVED smoking. We only need 8 years outta the guy, odds are good.
And before bed, one note of gratitude: Thank you Bettie for all the beauty and joy you gave us. Universe broke the mold when it made you.
THings genuinely bad. Not sure what to do.
Awake. Depressed. Feh.
Advised not to freak out. Good advice. Anybody know of any storyboard work or film drawing work of any kind?
Um yeah. Ouch. So I just lost my day job- my boss/client is getting laid off, which means he can't pay me anymore. Not sure what to do.
Watching BSG seas 3 while working on Guidolon. Starbuck is hottest girl EVAR, even to me w my brunette femme aesthetic-of-choice.
@Datamancer - Richard Morgan's "Thirteen" is "Altered Carbon" redux, and even better!
Omg checks from 2 clients in mail! Incl. Portrait sale generated by Chron article! @violetblue ROOLS!
Girls in Starbucks singing along to 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer'- I count myself lucky to find this adorable. 'with glee!' they sing..
Heater man came and fixed the TTMH's - the Things That Make Hot! Now i can be toasty warm in my apt again :)
@VonClaret - I would totally visit you and your inflatable cave girlfriend and bring you fresh fruit and alternative weeklies!
I mean, would YOU choose me as a person to make a picture of some kids? I get along well with them, oddly enough, but I am awful freaky.
Got email from guy who wants me to do portrait of four 12-yr-old girls. His girlfriend's daughter and her friends, he says. I suspicious.
Lots of work done today. Lots of Battlestar Galactica watched in b.g. Lots of Guidolons! stayed home and got my workses done, props to me!
New drawing of @enolarama and @willpants up on flickr!
Went to see Punisher w @kleer001, it was mayhemtastic and violentolacious! Ultravi FTW1!
PBR bottlecap jewelry at Mission Bazaar ! Ahhhh! Fuck your hipster eight-years-ago PBR meme!


Scott Beale Gareth Branwyn Forrest L Norvell John Adams Wil Wheaton Aaron Muszalski Laura R Colin Fahrion meriko borogove violet blue ® carol f Alex Peake criollo Emily ivy_crown ickaboo grey p00n Jim Cox Eric Gradman izzytart burmashave Heidi Libby Bulloff NiferCritter nathanfhtagn heather meadows thrusty todd Datamancer Jake von Slatt Mr. Nightshade jaborwhalky aimee kleer001 Eva redclarissa