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Ok, cough syrup is working. Was playing touch rugby with a chest cold on Monday such a good idea? I think it helped my overall energy.
Feel like crap, freezing, muscle pain. At least I'm not hacking my lungs out. Found the coffee scoop being batted around by Gandalf.
Crap! Accident half way down James hill. The roads are slick today. Why can't WA drivers drive in the rain? Oh, aid cars
@Octane Standing at a bus stop near my house. It's been raining off and on, so the air is clean and cold.
I think Gandalf has disappeared the coffee scoop. It took three months to find the 20-sided die he batted to the other side of the house.
Whew! Garbage on curb. Truck across the street and four houses down. Basil bit me and it hurts. And, it's still... hurting!
I ran myself to exhaustion at touch practice last night. Our resident Scot, Graham, hits like a MF in touch. I got pick up the "arm bat".
Why can't I just admit I'm sick. Chest congestion, sore throat. In bed with Basil, fresh from outside. CRAP! I have to put out the garbage!
Missed the bus up the hill for rugby. Should I pay the 15bucks to get up the hill. OR, walk up the hill for fitness.
@Purr gonna do 'She's Got You' for karaoke. Got to take one for the rugby team!
On my way to karaoke @ Purr to sell calendars for the rugby team, means no touch tonite! Bother! I feel like crap, tho'.
I hate when you are hungry and you still have to do the dishes!
Having a golden moment with Gandalf the Grey. I like it when we get along. He likes to play with the mousy-lure like a kitten.
@Octane Sounds like a majority of my relatives.
@Octane Bitter and Black day?
You should buy a naked rugby calendar! It funds my team! Look here: It supports diversity and accessibility.
One should always start the day playing with your own pussy! (Or, at least play with your BF's.)
*sigh* I pray for guidance to successfully be on the rugby team's governing board. I just can't deal w/the smack talk.
@ rugby board meeting do Seattle Quake. Buy one of our team calendars online!


kara Jorge Gobbi Feast of Fools Wordie David Rose Adrants Wil Wheaton Dopplr Wayne Smallman Jeremy from Seattle Monica Guzman aldomatic Runaway Mule mapme ququoo Richard Pendergast moonswamp Brian Shaler Coach mindful1PerDay Trent Hamm Max Lee David Bradley pwytter Sebastyne Patricia Doyle Naruwan won't tell Judson Carlos MTV VMAs Steve Spencer PROMOpinion slick_carlvesel jseattle rockmedium