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zen cohen == buddhist jew
@heathr look for "instant alpha"
Do rabbits get hare cuts?
at Change is Coming meeting. Video with ... Nikki Sutton.
@ryannielsen "Hide Dock Icon" could always be accomplished via defaults write /Applications/ LSUIElement 1
Poll: 79% approve of way Obama is handling transition
Seeing Gary Jules. Awwww. Introduced by Nic Harcourt. Still <3 the Hotel.
@jweiser at least it wasn't comic sans
"Anyone who can drink that many jack and cokes without having some sort of gastrointestinal discrepency..." -Jay Nash
At Room 5 Lounge for night three of music.
Egad. Standing Room only for the Weepies. and late. So good though.
Heading to the Hotel Café to see Jay Nash.
@shawnmorel everyone at macbu has an 8-core Mac Pro and none of them have Shark?
San Francisco Songwriters Coalition totally brought the rock tonight.
Michael Pollan for secretary of agriculture.
@walkerhamilton zomg did this week. awful. no MVC separation. wrote plugin; still can't figure out add_menu_page()/add_submenu_page(). ugh.
totally rocking my wordpress plugin. made search and pagination work just like real wordpress UI.


Dennis Crowley danah boyd Pedraum kareem Michael Sharon john curley lane tony Dana Tom Conrad Brian Heung Faruk Ates rands James Craig Mike Kuniavsky John Gruber cricket Todd Dailey Christian Dougie FRESH Todd Stef. Liz Danzico Sally Carson Alex Rosenberg slavin Gordon Meyer tammyville David Weekly sneJ heather Rachel M. Murray Wayne MacPhail Steven Frank Reese Schreiber Josh Benjamin
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