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@leahjones: I think I need clarification. Is it you or the popcorn that's on the piano?
Recommending some agencies to an industry contact.
@thatgirlblogs: For some reason the Flash pic uploader in 2.7 is wonky again but that's about the only glitch I've found so far.
getting the hang of Wordpress 2.7.
Full-screen... Why did it have to be full-screen.
I feel it my responsibility to come clean: I was Senate Candidate #4.
Today's rain has begun to turn to freezing rain. Road near here should be shut down shortly as it usually is in weather like this.
@jaffejuice: Doubt we'll get an answer. I don't think Ford has anyone monitoring or participating on Twitter.
@tombiro: And, punctu.ation. Don"t forget; that.
Can I get an over/under on when agencies start pitching clients as "available to comment" on Blago arrest?
@DougMeacham: Seriously. This is fascinating to listen to. Just gets worse and worse.
Did the feds need to write a separate complaint for Blago's hair? Or is that its own section of the existing document?
Hope the State of IL has a crisis communications plan. Specifically one that doesn't include, you know, the Governor's participation.
Podcast listening derailed by tuning into WGN for Blago coverage.
Scorpions mention by @jangles now has "Rock You Like a Hurricane" in my head.
Trib says Gov. Blago has been "taken into federal custody." Ummm... wow.
Need to go get my driver's license renewed this afternoon. Preparing emotionally.
How many Reformation jokes are too many within one column? Or is it even possible to have too many? #reformationhumorpoll


Evan Williams Maggie Mason Noah Ross Gavin Nick Douglas Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe michael lambie Dustin Jacobsen Tammy Green Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jennifer Woodard M David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Justine Alex Hillman   christine Steve Dembo Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Michael Bailey Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Heath Row Brian Clark Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long marianne richmond Emily Chang Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis debs
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