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Live any minute now on BBC world tv from Nairobi.. Tech mishap being sorted
Going live on BBC TV from Nairobi in 20 minutes.
Trying to make it to a BBC interview in Nairobi on time. Africa is conspiring against me.
@edjez I just passed the pics off to @kiwanja - I think he will upload to his site. A couple of mine are on Flickr.
@toneendungu is talking about using mobiles with youth in Kenya. He knows his stuff.
Just upgraded to WordPress 2.7 on WhiteAfrican... seems good so far. Great UI changes.
My bodaboda (motorcycle) bush excursion today (vid) -
Don't bother uploading to YouTube in East Africa. Use or - both are 3-4x faster.
@intelligensia don't use YouTube in Africa, use Zoopy, it flies!
I don't understand why YouTube doesn't have a video upload meter for me to see how far along things are.
Rented a motorcycle off a guy, off to visit my old teacher. In the gamepark now. Animals all over
New AfriGadget post on "Paraffin Lamps and the Informal Recycling Industry" -
Thanks everyone! YOU helped Ushahidi win a WeMedia Game Changers award -
"Blogging is the most African thing you can do on the internet today" (by @mentalacrobatics)
@mikestopforth congrats on your new daughter!!!
Listening to @mentalacrobatics and @afromusing talk about blogging in Africa.
Barcamp Congo (Brazzaville) is right around the corner -
@jonshuler wouldn't know about the sat uplink. good advice on the video audio too.
So, let's just say video Skype interviews don't work flawlessly from semi-rural Kenya.
Great new startup: the US IP Litigation Clearinghouse (masterfully coded by @thakadu)


rabble Xeni Jardin Gavin Mr Messina Josh Hallett Alex Hillman Beth Kanter Alex Rudloff mikel Bobbie Johnson photomatt Jeremy Harrington kris krug ndesanjo Ryan Price James Stewart Gareth Joel Burslem Oz Shaun McLane Charl van Niekerk Chris Scott Martin Konzett Nate Ritter ted murphy Paul Jacobson David Sasaki Conrad Strydom Will Pate Brian Herbert Bill Thompson Bijan Maximillian Kaizen renny Jesse Robbins scott gray
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