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Hand surgery just minor
Husband is out of surgery and all went well
At the er with the kid who has an elephant man sized goose egg on her forehead
Only one showing of this house in the last four weeks - WTF Charlotte?
Playing with a loaded gun over here: a day with no nap. god help me
Was just delivered cookies and flowers - today is beginning to look up
@Jennyberg: I saw lots of keens on Amazon last week
My kid has an exploding butt - I'm running out of wiping material
hoping no one wants to see the house today - it's a pit.
Shopping online instead of sleeping might end up being a bad choice
Going home now - doc said to watch him for signs of meningitis
Doc says no to spinal tap and yes to morphine
ct came back clear - doc debating again about doing a spinal tap
At the hospital - husband is very ill. I'm trying not to freak out
... and we have bloodletting
slow going this morning. need coffee by the truckload.
When did long shirts and leggings make a comeback? all the kids in my neighborhood are getting off the bus wearing that
listening to the baby scream her head off in the next room. think this will be a drive her around til she finally falls asleep night.
Finally found robot jammies locally in Amelie's size - so jazzed
need work to be done today, but don't feel like doing it. Meh.