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met his longtime online buddy and web aficionado @blackshtef today! Had a pint and planned some awesome stuff:
wonders if he can do the blog version of Axl's "Chinese Democracy". Ton of developers, a bit here, a bit there sometimes, 10 years + :))
is retweeting @snookca: "My Twitter dings, my email chimes, my Campfire rings, my Facebook pops. Has an angel gotten its wings yet?" :)
@mediaphyter - The passion the individual author or team, content that makes me respond to it (literally, emotionally, logically),...
thinks he shouldn't have laughed at his friend for studying Chinese. *Adds "Learn Chinese & Russian" to his to-dos* Hoping @profy helps! ;)
finally got his driving license. Such a 1.0 late adopter. :) Watch yourselves on the road... Muahaha!
hopes @mediaphyter has a good night's sleep.
is impressed with @mislav becoming a naturalized Slovenian. Did it hurt? :)
is impressed with Byline for the iPhone. The decision to switch over to Google Reader (powered by @helvetireader) and Byline was a good one!
agrees with @blackshtef. She's keeping warm in front of my faculty. Gave her a little salami from my sandwich... Damn cats :)
is, as ussual, the first waiting for class. Oh look, a cat! Feeling alone... Thankfully, Twitter's always there! ;)
is wide awake at 6 AM for reasons well known. I hate walking in the rain more than I love sleeping 30 minutes more. Thanks for the ride dad!
wonders if anyone wants to buy this iPod Nano that I bought in Hong Kong, for 25$? Maybe @eniac?
calls upon the Twitter brain: Do you need a voltage converter as well as a plug adapter for Europe (220) to US (110) conversion?
is loving the new, built by my man @markodugonjic. The site looks awesome! I'm even going to follow @gadgeterija!
thinks @blogowski is an ass sometimes but loves (as a brother) the bastard all the same. :) Spammers and asses go together? ;)


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