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@menotti not sure. it would be nice, but there's so much else we want to do too.
okay , sorry to keep spamming everyone following me with reader stuff. I'm going to create a new account for reader stuff
@tobym if you click on settings at the bottom of the mobile UI, you can uncheck "reformat linked pages"
@galadarling thanks for the report about the extra line spaces in greader - i see what you mean - i'll see what we can do.
can't believe i just looked up gigs for frightened rabbit, only to discover they played SF tonight! why do i always do that?!!
2 days!
@dolapo hahah. i know. but, i kinda wish i was.
hoping people get his costume tonight... murray from the flight of the chonchords:
@menotti ah, i see. :-) well, we're working on a bunch of stuff, so hopefully we can get you back one day. thanks for replying!
@menotti how should we make greader better?
loving the new mogwai album
watching the obama ad
Loving listening to "Liver! Lung! FR!" by Frightened Rabbit
@PeterBlackQUT you should try! it's super convenient, plus i'd love your feedback. if you create an account, make sure you add me
i actually spent $20 of real money on lala today. having my music in the cloud is actually starting to make sense
@PeterBlackQUT I gave up. :-) Too much work. Now I just post within my Google Reader shared items.
@PeterBlackQUT nice piece. couldn't agree more! it will take 5 seconds to get around the filters, and it's only going to slow down the net. is kinda cool. if only it integrated with my ipod


Chris Wetherell Jason Shugars Edward Ho Robert Scoble dolapo Mihai jb m schweitz Peter Black Aaron Krane Chrix Finne KP Frahm Ashley Meyer steve middlekauff Brian Shih Christine Knight Kunal Malhotra bhawkes likewasabi cbayley jonteo79 vinoaj barneypierce Jeremy Wood wonko_the_sane chadizzle blawgreview178 palande Chris Cheng Amir BLOOMsauce