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@kenknight Yes, The Palace. Twice. Because that's the only time I've seen them.
One never truly appreciates not having the stomach flu until shortly after having the stomach flu.
Worth adding to your RSS reader:
@xfrosch Does anybody read David Brooks for anything but lulz?
Let America Be America Again:
Hoping I no longer have to handle questions from foreigners asking why America keeps electing bad, destructive leaders.
Everybody adding me to their follow list today is obviously doing so because they support Obama. Go team!
Done. Queue was about 1 hour, voting about 7 minutes using a thorough cheat sheet. #election
Clerk ran out of ballots! Oh no! Is democracy thwarted? No, the resourceful poll worker yells to a colleague and ballots are replenished!
35 minutes later: still in queue to pick up the ballot. The clerk's table is in sight!
2 minutes to the polls opening. Prob 250 people ahead of me. #election
@rtha depends on how easily you can get away with typing on your iPod at work. And how easy you find typing.
Commemorating Halloween in a basement office, trying to get a client's site live. Almost done!
@catbear Sadly, I can't tell whether you mean politically or technologically.
The political equivalent of your mom calling you stupid and ugly:
@mathowie Technology is great. You used to have to wait until your school reunions for moments like that.
I am being deprived of the jajangmehn that is rightfully mine.
@xfrosch Can the iPhone do anything in the background? Signs point to 'no'.
Biked home from work completely burned out. I should bike to the grocery too but I jus wanna sit and watch bad movies for six hours.
Nerds socializing: We're at the bar, got our iPhones out and are comparing the apps/cool toys installed. And I'm Twittering about it.


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