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@rickpollack -- wowyeah~ @tinydao is tinybeauty. not many of my twfriends get txt priority, but these reminders, yes! hey @davekaminski -dig
@davestack thanks again for hosting! enjoyed thoroughly
@jimeastman you're here! (welcome!) what made you finally give in?
@kday crowdSPRING is amazing. thanks for posting to delicious.
did everyone in this town give up on brightkite just when i started going more places during the day?
@jerushamichael a good read/watch: Online Communities: The Tribalization of Business :
the State of Ohio is looking for a State Chief Information Officer -
@DJLitten the math in there stinks, & underlying logic that the telecom be paid twice - by producer and consumer - for one transaction
@kirkmiesle good to meet you at AJ.R's...!
vote for StartupWeekend in Cleveland :
@davekaminski I guess he forgot that the web is really people. @rtm is okay. good chance for them to create import utility & win @s users.
@davekaminski I just read through some of the iwantsandy talk ;seems like rael really fouled it up 4 u and others
@sharingsucks I signed up for Mint not 15 minutes ago and I'm already hooked.
The true cost of our cars, from No Impact Man:
O'Reilly "Using Drupal" book released today:
Brita filters can finally be recycled (in Jan) thanks to hard work from http://www.takebackthefilte... - mail'm in or bring to Whole Foodz
the guv asks why local gov'ts consistently ask for our money but rarely for our action:
Wish i could turn the heat up from my bed
@sharingsucks the right thing to do when overloaded is definitely to use twitter more. good job.
@jfrazee (vermi)composting. it takes even more patience than fishing.


danah boyd Hickensian Brad Dielman Nate Klaiber Richard Justin Hall D Chris Miller Eric A. Meyer Vinay Augustine Roland Tanglao Bryght Dr. Dro Gary Bernhardt Chris Herbert Jonathan Lambert The Real Joe Frank Gumola Deirdre Laura Solomon Patrick Santry Kevin Kelly John Hannibal Faith Tim O'Reilly Adam Hutcheson derek arnold Rich Weiss George Nemeth Kyle Roth tofu666 Bridget Ginley Tim Ferris Howard Rheingold Cleveland Public Lib brad colbow
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