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What is everyone using to make their slides these days? PPT, Keynote, InDesign, html?
Y'know what's wrong with videos today? Not enough 18th c. fashion & cake eating e.g. The Fall & Adam Ant
Dearest ancient G4 laptop, please do not die before I can finish this work and send it. TIA, your grateful servant.
Seems like a lot of tweeps have young kids. I predict this will take being ashamed of your parents to a whole new level.
@nbarday If that is what it takes to get her down here, please turn it up to 11!
@nbarday If a certain neighbor complains about the noise tell her it's saturday and she should be out having fun anyway :-)
As I enter hour 22 of acute sinus headache from hell, I'm seriously considering self-trepanation. Overdosing on NSAIDs is so not rock star.
I fear the interlibrary loan staff is sick of seeing my name.
Have ya ever spent the evening in the linguistics lab discussing Goffman & got the feeling people were tweeting about you & @manya? Me too!
Naming and framing.
Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed by how generous people can be. Someone who just met me spontaneously lent me an XO. Now to find time to play.
@meetar I thought it was the tiki idol the Zeldmans got on their Hawaii surfing vacation. Oh wait, wrong show.
@kaniasty Cupcakes?! Please test and report back.
@zeldman Oh, @bobulate totally knows I'm stalking her so I don't have to worry about that.
Was confused, unsure which of the many social networks to use to wish @bobulate a happy birthday.
@Manya we're having margaritas now. What tattoos should we get?
Where am I taking @kaniasty for dinner? Apparently she's been exploring caves and counting tattoos this afternoon in Austin.
@meetar Ha! From that page: "Latin schmatin, a slang phrase for binomial nomenclature." Those crazy biologists and their hip slang phrases.
Who was asking about repeated words in various languages the other day? I just learned linguists call it "reduplication"


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