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Great vid by TechWebTV: Michael Pollan talking about using the web for food production transparency at Web 2.0 Summit -
@cyantist you're been such a wonderful inspiration to me, you definitely deserve a Crunchie for Best Founder
@ryankuder credit = yours, b/c I found via V interested 2see where you take it!
@SdGeek wtf is this "twitter elite" thing you keep talking about? Screenshot or ur lyin!
Dopplr added a new public page for San Diego. We're the 24th most popular city, way underrated! Join + add your trips!
@kpbsnews released some sexy maps with data on the increase in SD-TJ murders. Scary that this is happening so close!
Felton Annual Report = most extensive lifetracking project I've ever seen, but those small fonts are impossible to read
@ochua1 three months is lame. However, I did find the old @sandiegofire retweet account, which should work just fine. Thx @numist!
Two part question: 1) what hashtags did we use in the 2007 fires, 2) how far back does go?
@brynn sounds like the traffic is pretty bad in the crash area, you might not even be able to get home for a while.
@tbonesullivan air card: check. Battery backups, least I have three laptops I can switch between. Lights out in 5...4...3...2..
So in about an hour, the power for my whole complex is going to be turned off for "up to 8 hours." Sooo not happy about this.
@nateritter couldn't you just use twitterfeed for the comments rss feed?
@Madrox you are a horrible mean person. A horrible rotten mean ungrateful little kid who I'm cutting out of my will.
@kirinqueen thx, dear. I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow while I'm here drinking my prune juice. Pour some out for your fallen homies?
@daryll I've been v impressed w/ QoS tonight. Nurse hotline = personable + very thorough, Scripps = fast + pleasant. I feel better already!
@tbonesullivan nope, I get the weird drugs. Expensive weird drugs. Co-pay was $100.
Heh, they give you vicodin for shingles. Heh, heh, heh. :)
Does that give me the right to be old and crabby now?


Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jason Cosper derek dukes Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt adam Jerry michael lambie Jim Kleckner BJ Cook Jorge Mir (jeff)isageek Brett Petersel Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters Amy Muller Arnold Dr. Anyam Trebor Joe Crawford Veronica Belmont Amit superamit Gupta Kitta Jeremy Keith stephthegeek Brian Solis Tantek Çelik Bre Pettis greg cohn cody simms Joshua Brewer Robert Scoble hober Matthew Oliphant Jason Carlin
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