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wading through old website files from 2001... yeesh, hadn't i heard of CSS yet?
hmmm cheap gas... maybe road trip to southern cali when the boys come out to visit over break?
@ourdata in that case, aren't blogs, flickr, livejournal, youtube, facebook, etc etc as well?
basking in reclined computing comfort with laptop stand
label maker i've been lusting after for some time on sale refurb'd at amazon... ooo just in time for sending wedding thank yous
wishing i could be at #diwd in new orleans this week!
dreamt of being jailed in a mall. woke up, thought "at least it wasn't nazi europe!" fell asleep. "oh look, here's nazi europe." damn brain
what does it say that we're trying to decide between watching: a documentary on the US economy, or porn?
i know i'll have better pics soon, but i can't resist sharing this first snapshot of us from the wedding:
staring longingly at roombas
hunh... realizing that i never seem to type "farecast" right the first time, and that it's all typed with the left hand on QWERTY
feeling totally gypped! my skittles only had ONE red skittle!
keeping @eaton away from servers during any involuntary twitches
on a delightful tangent of historical corsets and costumes:
....why did what appeared to be a 50-person group of costumed drunken ppl with brass instruments and noisemakers just go down the street?
@greenberg oh good, not EVERYONE dropped that class. working on my essay too
sleeeeeeepy. should not have had that cream puff. but cmon, they opened an on-demand creampuffery on telegraph!
a yr of wired + two yrs of inc and fast company all for $25. can't think of much more dead tree for the price. needed bath reading materials
i love when you have to explain to customer service reps what the feature that you're calling about does
calling at&t wireless customer service, prepare to start bashing head on desk in 3...2....1.


James Walker Neil Drumm Brian Clark Kitta Lynn Forthewin leviathan3k Jason Stevievep Melissa Status Updates nikkiana Jen Myers Paul Martin Ryan Draga Lisa Brewster Candice Payne Jeff Robbins Rafe Needleman Laura Scott Doz Aaron S. Pava elly jonez Sunny andreas weigend Ming Yeow Ng Nick Doty Kent Bye Jeff Eaton Venessa Paech Ben Liz Marks Kevin Wardrop plip plop Audrey