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@IncrediBILL it's about promoting online, esp. after Advil fiasco. Do it right...
so we tolerate twitter spam for a day.... and the world increases adoption of online marketing which is good for everyone.
support online marketing and retweet the big brand you can win $500
RT @shoemoney is giving away a $500 #Kmart Gift Card on his blog - simply tweet or comment to enter
deploying first eeepc (904HA) into the field... nice little unit.
@NatashaRobinson you are too kind, but I do hope you win a free pass!
travelocity FAIL... outsourced call center in India FAIL... (A)bort, (R)retry, (F)ail? Sigh.. retrying...
@ItsDUHnise you can tweet whomever you actually DO want to meet see
Win a free pass to Affiliate Summit: Just tweet "I want to meet @johnandrews in Vegas #asw09 " and you're entered into Monday's drawing
@poploser it fully.
@geordiecarswell great! More oppty's for fun when things get boring at the conference.
@sugarrae how did you turn off direct messages? That's a great idea...
@garryconn WP "stuff". Hack themes, port mods to plugins, polish template hacks, add features..stuff wordpress ppl can do easily.
@NatashaRobinson so true... it's all about morale. Let's go where the morale is high!
anyone else going to be in Vegas Jan 10-13 ?
I need some new Wordpress people.. I bet Wordcamp is a fair place to look, eh?
booking travel for Wordcamp Las Vegas+ Affiliate Summit West (immediately follows Wordcamp, in Vegas)
Why a news conf to say WMD event by 2013? Why not just propose good policy?
I'm having a hyper local meetup tonight at my house. Me, my self, and I with all of our egos are gonna open some good wine and just chill.


paul rollo Paul Terry Walhus Tim Elfelt Eric Friedman Lea de Groot Phillip Hershkowitz John Resig Pete Balasch Jr. gadhra Mark O'Neill Chris Garrett Andy Beard Danny Sullivan Tom Royce Azzam Fred Wilson Brian Massey andre Natasha Robinson Stefan Juhl algoholic Jordan Glasner Scott Clark Chantelle S White Neil Patel Blaire Notrica darren dalasta Vanessa Fox Nishan David Pye Brian Provost Karen J Merrick Lozano Michael Tighe Jeremy Hermanns Liam Delahunty