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Is stuck in a really tragic amount of traffic on the 101.
The FRYE'S in Woodland Hills is insane. It's theme is Alice in Wonderland.
is stuck in a ridiculous sitution somewhere in LA
obsverves that Runyon is packed and he wishes he had a dog.
is going to get $0.75 Dewers drinks in celebration of Prohibition ending!
Says, ' Ah, very good question. What IF you bite a zombie, hmm?'
I say, "Watches are for wrists, not forearms."
@theycallmeal who is "they" and why do they call "meal?" Confused.
reports that gas in Woodland Hills, $1.89 a gallon.
can say one good thing about working in Woodland Hills - gas is $1.93 - down 8 cents from this morning.
creatively ate sushi for lunch and then finished off editing Shy P's promo piece.
Has tried several times to come up with something clever... But he has nuthin'
hates waiting for text messages and phone calls. Technology is often a pebble in your running shoe.
is at Redwood Bar & Grill
is painting ceilings for Habitat for Humanity in Simi Valley
has huge admiration for the police in California for aiding the protest's success by shutting down the streets and keeping cars at bay.
the police have shut down all of Santa Monica blvd from west hollywood to the mormon temple for the rally march!
is marching in a No on Prop 8 rally down Santa Monica Blvd. This is wild!!!
-interview is done - easy as pie - time to finally relax before returning to LA.


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