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help me help someone this christmas! ->
dangit.. i got cmd key unbound in #emacs, ut cmd-T does not work in carbon #emacs cuz it brings up the font panel..
is anyone able to view ansi colors in #eshell in #emacs? my #rails logs look bad
what mode is everyone using in #emacs for #rhtml?
itunes shuffle play (and ipod for that matter) is SOOOO not random..
anyone using #textmate.el with carbon #emacs? trying to unbind the apple key from meta so i can use it for textmate stuff.
dam! i have option and apple keys bound to meta in #emacs. trying to use #textmate.el
for some reason, #shell in #emacs opens a different terminal the terminal or #iterm. dangme. different version of #rails, too.
would like to see auto indenting in #emacs
would LOVE to see some practical examples of #couchdb use..
sharing your itunes library over ssh -
#iwork 's #numbers should be called #tables
the new red red christmas card is up! merry christmas everyone!
thinking about looking for a way to do email chess with emacs
wondering if there is a way to keep #dired in #emacs from opening a new buffer every time you click a directory.
anyone else having reception problems with their #sirius?
okay, #emacs-w3m reads yahoo's #html group mails just fine.. there is a reason for all this. for real..
okay, i installed #emacs-w3m.. no problem.. used #macports to install #w3m . no problem. suprisingly easy on all counts.
numbers is just a dumb program..
i need to install #w3m on #osx , but i have a feeling it's gonna be a pain in the arse.


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