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Is this blog by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a spoof? - anyone know?
Microsoft's worldwide telescope - there must be a phenomenal amount of money invested in this, for the Wall-E tour alone -
Put a new Wordpress instance together last night. It reminded me how deceptively powerful it is as a publishing platform.
@benrmatthews I have a piano and can't play a thing. You're grade 5 and don't have keys to bash. Together we could rule the (musical) world!
I'm now the proud owner of a digital piano - :)
@charlesarthur is your presentation from last night online anywhere?
Very good show at the ICA for the Webbys tonight. Impressive presentations all around
RT @drewb: omfg. Gmail to-do lists! (My 2p - will it be good enough to rival rememberthemilk?)
Classic Onion - "Staten Island Historians Piece Together Genealogy Of Wu-Tang Clan" -
Grounding chat with the parental units this morning. He's in the car industry. The statistics about job losses are his friends, real people
@drewb thanks for the pointer towards @ruskin147's ixus poll
Today I might buy a digicam. My old Casio Exilim was excellent value but the office Ixus is a fast and good quality piece of kit. Thinks...
... and then down south @benrmatthews is representing at #sicamp Social Innovation Camp, using technology to improve society - respect
There's more northern Barcamp-ery going on this weekend with Barcamp Liverpool -
Ooo is having a hack day -
Video of Hotwire's "tree-mendous" christmas decorations are on their way up -
Quick reminder everyone: when leaving from Kings X St Pancras, remember there are two stations, then go to the correct one for your train!
It's hard to take something already created then twist it into something new - the legacy bits can be distracting. In my case a powerpoint.
@simoncollister yep - skinner doesn't always stand up to scrutiny on paper but I've got a lot of time for his tracks in general


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Jerry Michalski seanbonner Tara missrogue Hunt Dave Morin Greg Lexiphanic Emily Chang Brian Solis Mike Coulter debs Tom Coates Bobbie Johnson Antony Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Stubbs Peter Cooper Sean Howard Imran Ali Frankie Roberto Darren Waters Bernie Goldbach neville Hugh MacLeod Amelia Torode Kevin Marks James Governor Simon Bisson Suw Tim Bradshaw Armand David Jeremiah Chris Applegate Jemima Kiss
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