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Airrun - My little nephew is the cutest thing!
@plaintruthiness there is this one restaurant on the upper east side where there were tons of hot servers. Our server in particular. YUM!
@matty1987 crap... i was supposed to go to dinner with you...haha!! another time i guess
home from the luncheon... now to finish folding my laundry and pick out what i'm wearing tonight for the damn club with a dress code
@matty1987 dayam boy!! calm down with the coffee!!! i'm sure your pee is going to smell like a starbucks
@plaintruthiness your request has been taken in will get a confirmation via twitter within 2 days of what my pic will be
i'm going to take a new avatar picture.... not sure what i want it to look like... any suggestions?
just ran into zach ardell smith on my run. It was nice catching up with him.
@jtbritto wow... you spoke really fast right there... or i'm just slow today
@plaintruthiness i'm not that boring but i do kind alive vicariously thru twitter. Are your parents on their way back here yet?
i've been asked to be the co-chair for the women of taste event in 2009. I'm flattered and honored to be asked.
@captinmo yeah... tornadoes scare me more than earthquakes ... i don't think i could live in your neck of the woods
@jtbritto i have 3 bday things to attend today... a luncheon, a dinner, and a club. So i'll be out basically all day starting at noon
@jtbritto haha... no worries.. you can call me party animal anytime... i'm just giving you the facts... i'm more boring that people think =(
@jtbritto morning!! i don't even really party. Last night was just me having a drink at all times and chatting with people i meet that nite
@matty1987 awesome... are you at work?
@seismic007 i'm curious how you picture me in your dreams... we've never met in person but yea dreams about me have that effect on people =P
@seismic007 awww... i barely ever get called precious.
@captinmo i always found high winds kinda scary... not sure why though


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