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Going to see a man about a lathe and some bsh
Sundays can apparently be quite productive if you are intentionally antisocial.
@mtbdeano do it. i ended up riding through half a foot of fresh snow on Thanksgiving morning and it was one of my favorite rides this year.
@hyperradiant surely you mean "whisky", as "whiskey" is only suitable for degreasing things (note: your liver sometimes counts as a 'thing')
Putting some much needed time against the me-trics mobile interface. Everything looks a good deal sexier at high dpi.
@martastrickland I usually sniff for mobile browers and display with a link back to the www site, and cookie any user selection.
Lunch with Mom and Ed
calling an end to a fantastically productive day
tiny dog's first decision upon discovering "snow" was to sprint around in circles of glee for 5 minutes.
@hyperradiant also, totally not dirty, interview for camp o group
Also, if you want video, we can record from iChat later
Of course. What on?
Finished Iceman 15 minutes under my goal -and- didn't break anything major. Wins all around.
#votereport #wait:5 #good #48237
@phlops felt that making me drink Malört at 1030a was the proper protocol. i did not produce the face he desired.
email spooler deployed. fingers crossed.
the Pot Roast cycle of my kitchen is well underway. This is a good thing.
My lax riding schedule this summer is showing. The Iceman is gonna be rough.
Wondering what effect plummeting home values and mass forclosures are going to have on Devil's Night in the D