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strictly come dancing would be Ok if they only ever showed the dancing and got rid of all the rest of the crap,
@kevglobal I did Westfields earlier. was surprised at the quietness
@zeroinfluencer the latter, but I'd have to wait for that. I wanted it there and then!
was going to catch up with IT crowd but Ch4 DRM is a complete FAIL - no ff on mac option. off to peruse iPlayer
@girlonetrack they delivered for me perfectly the other week...but in the last hour
@bowbrick no ;) it's a DIY weekend
@ruskin147 congrats to your son...great place to go. just got to keep the work on now
debating what to do with the rest of the day. housework beckons
shopping done. On way home. Suprisingly easy experience
@wossy you can't do that! I'm sure it's banned under the geneva convention as cruel and unusual punishment
westfield treating me well. Only 3 gifts to find. Stopping for refreshment
@cowfish i'll meet you there. We can have coffee and moan about how bad it is
getting shopping instructions from mom via text. Being tasked with getting lime, wine, brandy butter and mints
@tom_watson are you watching doctor who behind that sofa?
westfields or ken high st. Decisions, decisions. Stay on this cup or change
right, going shopping. if I'm not back in 4 hours, send Search and Rescue please
@loudmouthman they're all late...I've been here since 6ish this morning and it's been quiet without you ;)
cleaning up my Facebook, removing groups and pages
morning world. as it's Saturday I see most of my Uk connections are not awake yet but the US guys are going strong on Friday night


Evan Williams Noah seanbonner Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Brett Petersel Jason Calacanis Kyle Bunch Robert Brook randy stewart Cristiano Betta Alan Bradburne Geoffrey Long David Parmet Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan kristen crusius Doug Haslam Colleen Wainwright Amit superamit Gupta danhon Philip Campbell Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester russell Tantek Çelik Chris Adams Bre Pettis simon David Stone pixeldiva Steve Marshall Tom Coates
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