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Today's work sked: Geithner, Geithner, Geithner, lunch, Citi, Citi, Citi, coffee, Citi. (Doom will have to wait till after happy hour.)
Just talked to an SF angel who expressed surprise that everyone in NY is so freaked out. Told him they've been freaked out for 6 months now
Today's work sked: Doom, doom, doom, doom, lunch, doom, more doom, doom, coffee, doom.
@hblodget, Flavorpill *is* hiring. Interviewing now for a daily culture email editor. (After hiring an editor for Flavorwire 3 wks ago)
if the guy playing "Hey Jude" endlessly on the piano upstairs doesn't stop, I will be forced to retaliate with "Sweet Home Alabama" @120 dBs
Flavorwire (Flavorpill's culture blog) needs interns to do writing and reporting. Interested applicants can contact me at espiers AT gmail
Chris Rock (paraphrased): It's not hard to make fun of Obama because he's black; It's hard to make fun of Obama because he's *cool*.
Passive aggressive MSFT: Mac shortcuts in Excel = less intuitive than shortcuts on a PC, and if you mistake the two, model goes all crashy
I suspect "affadavit ballot" is code for "it'll take you at least four hours to vote." That's what I get for moving in the last 30 days.
just noticed: useless Twitter apps are helpfully and descriptively prefixed with "Twit"
Even dumber: most of Portfolio's cuts are on the *web* side. Hedging against the decline of print is not a priority, I guess.
Portfolio down to 10 issues, Men's Vogue down to 2, Radar, 0. Time, Conde layoffs. Meredith? Hiring, apparently. Long Iowa; Short New York.
I'm sorry, Mr. Arango, but $11 million is not a "shoestring budget" for a blog.
Flavorpill's new culture blog,, is now LIVE
The day before every site launch, my home wifi goes down, without fail. This site launch is no exception. Hello, office on the weekend.
I wish I could securitize Jim Cramer. Just so I could short him.
I'm hiring interns for Flavorpill's new culture blog, launching the 27th. Know anyone who'd be interested? Email me at espiers AT gmail
@keanesian Conveniently, my middle name is already Joe.


Dennis Crowley Xeni Jardin Nick Douglas Michael Sharon Jason Calacanis Cameron Marlow Meg Hourihan Robert Scoble Anil Dash Rex Sorgatz Rachel Kramer Bussel Peter Kafka Joi Ito Pierre Omidyar Matt Haughey Allison Mooney Kevin Kearney Lockhart Steele Fred Wilson Jen Bekman henry copeland Mark Graham Stephen Colbert Jason Kottke Fred Graver Peter Rojas lindsay robertson Paul Kedrosky Edward Champion Jennifer 8. Lee Steven Johnson Robert Sterling Doc Searls Ninety Nine Brad Feld Virginia Heffernan