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just written "that" letter!!
using VBoxHeadless to set up multiple servers on my laptop - one for each server type - gonna try a jabber one next
@aral yeah definitely, tho i can't imagine a java solution is going to be able to compete with a least on performance alone!!
hahaha, they aint gonna get rid of that one now
this gives a funny read tho -
@ordinathorreur i'm sure there are more than a few backups - i know of one!
BNP membership database has been posted online here http://bnpmemberslist.blogs...
whats with Oohgle?
In FoldIt!, you get to compete against players all over the world working on cracking protein-folding puzzle.....
twistory !! very clever!!
Worst thing is i completely sympathise with all their explanations
arrrrg my team are dropping like flies and i'm helpless to do anything about it :(
Great quote: If you always DO what you've always DONE, You'll always GET what you've always GOT
google video chat!! all sweetness and light!!
i have to say john resig's processing.js is awsome.
rolling steve's new version of XFC
going outside will now be “outdoorsing” and Wednesdays will be Day 3.0
have spent the last 3 hours deleting email!! I curse who ever invented CC!


Jason Calacanis Leiya Aral Eric A. Meyer Keith Peters gilles BERTRAND Fabian T7t Remember The Milk Adam Curry Tim O'Reilly Arpit Mathur Claus Wahlers Hoss Gifford Daniel Todd John Lam TWiT Live flashmagazine ModelMandyLynn darronschall Britney Spears