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Laughing at @grum 's 7000 happy birthday SMS's
@charp oh noes what a terrible thing to come home to!
@charp oh that sucks! Why do people do stuff like that? Your poor dad.
Oh I haven't even gotten any presents yet =(
@grum show me some LOVE on my birfday already. I'm demanding
I am so hungover. There was Stella bella, veuve, moet, then there was puke in the shower at 3am. Happy birfday to me!
@lu_lu thank u, good luck at ptub!
It's my birthday! And I'm at sapphire bar. Am too old for this - My blurry view of the hummer limo
In the hummer limo. Pretty cool!!!
It's my birfday in 90 minutes!
But hey luke's the boss, so it's not like they can take the piss out of the bosses wifey
So maybe I shouldn't have drunken a whole bottle of wine at luke's christmas party and made a dick of myself
@grum just chew ya arm off. Works for me
@RachTheThing Today I brushed my teeth too loud. So next week I might get ready while whistling "This is the song that never ends"
Nightshift sucks balls. So does Luke.
Contact with Luke has now been limited to a 5 minute phone call where he yells at me for BREATHING in the morning cos it wakes him up.
@grum gorgeous? You really are tired


Kitta Jonathon Michael Newby Krissy that grum guy! Gary Barber drew robinson Simone ben barren Stephen Collins jordanbrock Matt Richard Giles Bronwen Clune Nick Hodge Oli Young Barack Obama Matthew Hall Kay Smoljak Ben Eenhoorn Lauren O'Grady Paul Colgan Teresa Zazz Jeff Waugh Andrew Richardson Suzie Cheel Al Stoiche Luis M Pants Simon Allyeska AK Andrew Sayer Karen Andrews Karen Cheng Thomas Sutton