Jenifer Hanen’s Favorites

Kevin Tamura
ktamura here's an idea: oil company windfall profits go to bailing out the american auto industry. Okay I'm dreaming…
Richard Galbraith
ricgalbraith getting down to writing, i love writing this novel, i cant wait til it's done and to get some feedback, listening to more megadeth
cackhanded @SteveMarshall @setmajer "I love deadlines. I particularly love the whooshing sound they make as they fly past."
Eden MarriottKennedy
mrskennedy Plans are afoot to brine the salmonella ball. I mean Butterball.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Heard Palin's voice on the radio this morning. It was like a bout of diarrhea 3 days after you thought you'd beaten the flu.
Glenn the GISuser
gletham Quote of Day - Greenpeace guy on Denver 16th street... "How would you like to save the planet?" Everyone Passing by... "No thanks!"
Jesse P. Luna
jesseluna Parked in front of Michaels. Last time there was an altercation with a giant plastic reindeer.
Tom Coates
plasticbagUK Omigod, so weird Facebook ads: "Tired of Khaki diaper butt? Check out Bonobos, better fitter men's trousers. A much more flattering cut."
Dave Shea
mezzoblue had a dream that I accidentally installed a Nokia UI on my iPhone. Woke up screaming.
Eric Jasso
ElPocho just received a FedEx package of art for a magazine layout for an anti-smoking agency. The materials reek of cigarrette smoke.
Faruk Ates
KuraFire Mutation and bone-marrow transplant lead to potential cure for AIDS:
Mickipedia Whatever I name my first child, it's going to start with @.
CT Moore
gypsybandito why doesn't my T9 already have "hungover" in it?
cindy li
cindyli wanted my friends to get married,&stay married.It is so hard to find someone that loves you back already.Disappointed in CA voters.
Annie Mole
anniemole Watched Presidential acceptance speech that had me in tears - Bloody Americans do history really well! Had to update blog


tedr Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Darla Mack Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Jackson West George Kelly Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson Dinah Sanders Arnold   christine ribot Steve Dembo Jason Hoffman Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Hickensian Richard Rutter Norm! Aaron Gustafson Natalie Michael Hessling Derek Featherstone pixeldiva Simon Willison Steve Marshall Tom Coates Rev Dan Catt luxuryluke Snook Dan Rubin
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