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monday monday! anyone else getting a little tired of talking about themselves??
@yfaktor you should have stopped by for coffee
@homey ...until that day when you're on the mass pike and there's a 20 minute backup at the tolls b.c only 1 collector is on duty...
retweet Twitter user @genochurh 's daughter is missing
@yfaktor giving me sage relationship advice
@michelleheath uh oh. could be dangerous!!! i'll give you a call bright and early tomorrow, i'm sure you'll be up...
trying to download Slacker Uprising. Site crashes. Fail.
they just bring me back to harvard square circa 1990 ♫
mad men was a repeat last night. bummer
@astrout good to see you in nyc last week, hope it was a good conference...
i bought a couch yesterday. it's white. i have a ten year old boy. hmmmm
checking out @yfaktor 's badA$$ widget. speechless.
back from a good time at the company summer outing, now to finish this document for tomorrow... glad i didn't have another margarita!
back in the office after a very informative ad training seminar yesterday
On a bus to bangor maine. Sitting next to a canadian woman who showed me her pics from her nyc trip. All 167 of them.
um. space chimps. andy sandberg should stick with SNL and d*** in a box
made it to boston, easy! just 1 delayed flight, 1 cancelled flight, 1 new airline, 3 hour delay, hold the connecting flight please..sleep?
wishing i'd been on the same flight with @pistachio and @duncanperry....
borrowing concept from girlfriend: monkeys = people in customer service positions who DO. NOT. SERVE. THE. CUSTOMER. and don't seem to care


Evan Williams Joshua Kinberg Scott Beale Chris Brogan Jim Long Chris Saad Grant Robertson Duncan Perry Damiano Vukotic Rafe Needleman Meg Fowler andrew wise Jen Myronuk Eric Rupert Kristen Nicole Greg Gershman Nathan W Burke Laura Fitton Paisano® J Trent Adams Gary Vaynerchuk Dave Meeker Michael Troiano Stever Robbins Erik groovemonkey Guy Kawasaki BostonMA Aaron Strout Michelle A Heath Adam Rosenberg rockstah53 zefrank DataPortability