Cory O'Brien’s Favorites

Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich Alarming trend in telephone customer service: responding to me in 5x the required scripted words. No time. I'm a very important businessman.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Every few months I get the urge to listen to Big Black, do a usenet search and end up crying in the ladies room.
Geoff Barnes
texburgher Oh god, here it comes... Whopper Virgins are ripe for market penetration, according to Burger King.
Mitch Joel
mitchjoel real Marketers don't let other Marketrs start messaging with, "in these challenging economic times." Please stop this right now.
Jason Shellen
shellen If OJ has taught us anything it's that in America you can kill people and get away with it, but don't screw with peoples' memorabilia.
Damon C
dacort .- -. -.-- -... --- -.. -.-- .... . .-. . ..-. .- -- .. .-.. .. .- .-. .-- .. - .... -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . ..--.. ; )
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW OH: I've got more 'positive attitude' in my middle finger than most people have in their whole... Oh, wait. *I* said that. Score!
Tee Morris
TeeMonster Rule One of not skimp on the cheese. It is the glue that hold together the tortellas.
Alex Linebrink
alexlinebrink Ok. I've had it. On personal projects, I refuse to design sites to work with Internet Explorer. Microsoft: obey standards or be left behind!
Mike Arauz
mikearauz viral success is a social phenomenon, not a magic trick
Alex Hillman
alexknowshtml i was sent an E71 to test drive. twitter-size review? phenomenal hardware and form factor crippled by jank-ass software and d-pad nav. boo.
Lisa McMillan
lisamac Why is RSS adoption so low? I think it needs a 'buzzterm' like AJAX to kick the late adopters in the bum.
agencyspy Quote of the day: "Can you grab the package at the desk for me? It's my storm and I want to finger it all night."
SeoulBrother Confession: I faved your shit so hard it broke FAVRD and Favotter.
Doc Searls
dsearls I'm thinking that's symbol should be a bunch of loose coins.
Lisa Braithwaite
LisaBraithwaite How do all the Internet marketers on Twitter get any business when they're all marketing to each other?!
Brian Morrissey
bmorrissey waiting for inevitable mashable post of '20+ ways to fold your laundry online.'
Brian Morrissey
bmorrissey called a 'blogger f---wad' in adfreak comments. tops earlier 'insufferable douchebag,' need to change biz cards.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Was just told I'm not very likable. Last time I take a call from my mom before work.
Brian Morrissey
bmorrissey reassuring i could get neck tatt without career reprecussions.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Dunstan Philip Kaplan Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Grant Shellen Brian Walsh Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar om Chris Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson tommy payne Scott Beale
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