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met some random on the street whose dad named him Dracula. Mom didn't like it so much. He grew up to be a metal drummer.
can't get the old lady from New Orleans to tell me where the best Cajun food is in town. Taught me to put leftover coffee in the gravy r ...
has a new vocab word: phatic
bowled a 201 236 179. My first 600 series!
is running into old friends on the street
is playing with window shades, super glue, a stepladder that is 6 inches too short, and 2 cats. What could go wrong?
roadtripped with a baby and a german shepherd. the baby won the 'indoor voice' competition.
just saw his friend's band play a house party. also enjoying the intersection of random social groups. worlds are colliding.
is thinking that in hindsight, bowling twelve games yesterday might have been a bit much. Highlights: 212, 202. Lowlight: 135
just dodged death when the cat knocked a plugged in razor into the tub during my shower.
just purchased a beverage at starbucks for the first time in his life.
has some nice new fillings. didn't even need any anesthesia.
is at the dentist. drill, baby, drill.
is starting to understand why normal people don't have a drum kit in their kitchen
bowled a 205 165 148
looks like the kind of guy who wants to see tonight's show at the house of blues, thinks the scalpers
bowled a 151 203 184
got to ride in the moving truck. Up front. We listened to Fame
has had enough packing for today
bowled a 151 194 208